OVARIAN CANCER and US: calcium

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Showing posts with label calcium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calcium. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rexall Recalls Calcium Vitamin Softgels Lot On Undeclared Shellfish

"The recalled product involves only one lot number 387651-04, and has product number 45211, UPC Code 3 01220 45211 3, and expiration date 08/15."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cancer Causes and Control - Dietary calcium and magnesium intake in relation to cancer incidence and mortality in a German prospective cohort

"This prospective cohort study provides no strong evidence to support that high dietary calcium and magnesium intake in the intake range observed in a German population may reduce cancer incidence or mortality."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

EvidenceUpdates + professional commentaries (numerous): Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women`s Health Initiative limited access dataset and meta-analysis

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of personal calcium supplement use on cardiovascular risk in the Women`s Health Initiative Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation Study (WHI CaD Study), using the WHI dataset, and to update the recent meta-analysis of calcium supplements and cardiovascular risk.

DESIGN: Reanalysis of WHI CaD Study limited access dataset and incorporation in meta-analysis with eight other studies.........

Conclusions: Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D modestly increase the risk of cardiovascular events, especially myocardial infarction, a finding obscured in the WHI CaD Study by the widespread use of personal calcium supplements. A reassessment of the role of calcium supplements in osteoporosis management is warranted.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

free full access: Calcium supplements with/without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women’s Health Initiative - bmj.com (including responses)

Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D modestly increase the risk of cardiovascular events, especially myocardial infarction, a finding obscured in the WHI CaD Study by the widespread use of personal calcium supplements. A reassessment of the role of calcium supplements in osteoporosis management is warranted.

excerpt (from full text):

"...An important question that arises is whether co-administered calcium and vitamin D affects cardiovascular risk. The Women’s Health Initiative reported no adverse effect of calcium and vitamin D (1 g calcium/400 IU vitamin D daily) on any cardiovascular end point in their large (n=36 282), seven year, randomised, placebo controlled trial.3 4 However, 54% of the participants were taking personal (non-protocol) calcium supplements at randomisation and 47% were taking personal vitamin D supplements, effectively rendering this trial a comparison of higher dose and lower dose calcium and vitamin D for most of the participants.
Allowing clinical trial participants free access to the intervention being studied is unusual and has the potential to obscure both adverse and beneficial effects..."

Friday, March 04, 2011

Cochrane review: Interventions for preventing neuropathy caused by cisplatin and related compounds

AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: At present, the data are insufficient to conclude that any of the purported chemoprotective agents (acetylcysteine, amifostine, calcium and magnesium, diethyldithiocarbamate, glutathione, Org 2766, oxycarbazepine, or Vitamin E) prevent or limit the neurotoxicity of platin drugs among human patients.