Delivering consensus from the Asian Oncology Summit 2009 : The Lancet Oncology Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Delivering consensus from the Asian Oncology Summit 2009 : The Lancet Oncology

The webtable shows a breakdown of the country of origin of all participants in the workshops and among the authorship of the resultant papers. Participants represented 21 different countries, of which 15 were Asian. Each workshop had about 40—100 attendees, and the majority of authors work in Asian hospitals. The manuscripts are a wonderful testament to the resources and expertise available in Asia, and we hope they will provide a valuable resource of information to inform practice and provide a foundation for future developments of oncology services throughout the region.
The 2nd Asian Oncology Summit will be held in Bali, Indonesia, on April 9—11, 2010. See for more details.


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