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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

UICC International Union Against Cancer - A call to action (petition)

What is the World Cancer Declaration?
  • Launched in 2006 and revised in 2008, the World Cancer Declaration is a call to action to substantially reduce the global cancer burden by 2020.
  • It was developed by international cancer control advocates to bring the cancer crisis to the attention of policymakers worldwide.
  • It lays out an ambitious set of 11 targets and action plan to stop and reverse current trends.
  • It was unanimously adopted at the World Leader’s Summit of policymakers, leaders & health experts during the 2008 World Cancer Congress in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • UICC is the “custodian” of the World Cancer Declaration and prioritizes development of a comprehensive response.
Why is it important?
  • Cancer kills more people than AIDS, Malaria, and TB combined and the death toll is set to rise dramatically in the coming decades.
  • Two-thirds of cancer-related deaths occur in countries where resources available for cancer control are limited or nonexistent.
  • Without significant improvement, over 17 million people are projected to succumb from this disease by 2030.
  • Many cancers can be prevented – by reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption, decreasing exposure to carcinogens, implementing vaccination programmes and promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • Many cancers can be cured if detected early and treated appropriately.
What are the Declaration Targets?
Target 1. Ensure Effective Delivery Systems in all Countries
Target 2. Significantly Improve Measurement of Cancer Burden
Target 3. Decrease Tobacco, Alcohol Consumption and Obesity
Target 4. Ensure Universal Coverage of the HPV/HBV Vaccine
Target 5. Dispel Damaging Myths and Misconceptions
Target 6. More Cancers Diagnosed via Screening and Early Detection
Target 7. Improve Access to Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation
and Palliative Care
Target 8. Universal Availability of Effective Pain Control
Target 9. Improve Training Opportunities for Cancer Control Professionals
Target 10. Reduce Emigration of Healthcare Workers Specialized in Cancer
Target 11. Major Improvements in Global Cancer Survival Rates
How can governments and health agencies support the Declaration?
  • Create national taskforces to address the Declaration.
  • Develop templates for regional/national Declarations with more precise definition of needs and targets.
  • Develop effective national cancer control plans that support achievement of the 11 targets.
  • Improve or develop effective tracking systems and cancer registries.
  • Support changes in health policy and legislation to facilitate work on the 11 targets and improved cancer control.
How can individuals and organizations support the Declaration?
  • Become a Declaration partner.
  • Encourage other individuals & organizations to endorse the Declaration.
  • Encourage local & national media coverage on the Declaration.
  • Develop E-advocacy campaigns focused on the Declaration.
  • Develop translations of the Declaration in your native language.
  • Develop and/or review national adaptations of the Declaration.
Your signature endorsing the Declaration will help to:
  • Show the world's leaders that the global cancer community stands united behind this for call for action to reduce the global cancer burden significantly by 2020.
  • Represent a consensus between foundations, national and international non-governmental and governmental organizations, professional bodies, the private sector, academia and civil society from all continents that are committed to the vision of eliminating cancer as a major threat for future generations.
  • Help cancer advocates bring the growing cancer crisis to the attention of health policymakers at national, regional and global levels.


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