medical research/news item: (UK) Study finds EPB41L3 'protector gene' inactivated in 65% of ovarian cancers Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Saturday, July 03, 2010

medical research/news item: (UK) Study finds EPB41L3 'protector gene' inactivated in 65% of ovarian cancers

Note: in research

"A new gene that normally protects againstovarian cancer is switched-off in two-thirds of cases of the disease, reveals a study published in the journal Neoplasia today.
This 'protector gene', known as EPB41L3, is inactivated in 65 per cent of ovarian cancers. And reactivating the gene halted tumour growth and triggered large numbers of the cancer cells to commit suicide. The research, co-funded by Cancer Research UK and gynaecological cancer research charity
The Eve Appeal, raises the prospect for developing therapies that mimic or restore the function of the gene to kill ovarian cancer cells in a targeted way...."


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