"The Lab - Avoiding Research Misconduct: (video) Office of Research Integrity: The Lab. An Interactive Video on Avoiding Misconduct Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

"The Lab - Avoiding Research Misconduct: (video) Office of Research Integrity: The Lab. An Interactive Video on Avoiding Misconduct

"To participate in this interactive experience, go to:

This interactive film is an extremely rich and substantively educational resource for teaching/learning research integrity and ethics. It deals with the issue of research misconduct. Filmed in a university research environment, it makes excellent use of the best knowledge and science regarding ethical decision-making and the responsible conduct of research. The video simulation allows users to assume the role of a graduate student, post-doc, research administrator, or PI and make decisions that affect the integrity of research."


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