Cervical Adenocarcinoma in a Patient With Lynch Syndrome, Muir-Torre Variant (cervical/skin cancers/gyn cancers in Muir-Torre...) Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cervical Adenocarcinoma in a Patient With Lynch Syndrome, Muir-Torre Variant (cervical/skin cancers/gyn cancers in Muir-Torre...)

Blogger's Note: click on pdf to view article

Lynch syndrome, also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal
cancer syndrome, is the most common form of hereditary
colorectal cancer. Patients with Lynch syndrome are at high risk of
developing colorectal cancer at an early age (mean, age 45 years), in
addition to extracolonic cancers. The most common extracolonic
cancer in Lynch syndrome is endometrial carcinoma. Other extracolonic
cancers seen in Lynch syndrome include carcinoma of the ovary,
stomach, small bowel, pancreas, hepatobiliary, brain, and upper
genitourinary tract. Patients with Lynch syndrome may also have
skin tumors, which is consistent with the Muir-Torre variant of
Lynch syndrome.

"....There have been few reports of gynecologic malignancies in association with Muir-Torre syndrome published in the literature.......

"Our case raises the question of whether cervical cancer is part of the spectrum of malignancies found in Lynch syndrome. Although the pathologic diagnosis was cervical adenocarcinoma, there is a lingering question of whether it is possible that this was in fact adenocarcinoma of the lower uterine segment. Because the pathology showed papillary serous cervical adenocarcinoma, additional studies were of little use in distinguishing between cervical and uterine cancer. Papillary serous carcinomas of the cervix are not associated with human papilloma virus,8 and the marker p16 is positive in 90%to 100% of cells in papillary serous carcinoma."

"Additionally, this case, one of the few published reports of Muir-Torre syndrome, demonstrates the importance of vigilant screening of skin lesions in patients with Lynch syndrome, given their high risk of developing malignancies of the skin."


  1. One of the most principal ways of abusing and maltreating Oxycontin is by injecting Oxycontin which is now becoming the most addictive prescription drug, without doubt. Injecting Oxycontin is tremendously hazardous and comes along with high, perilous fatal outcome. People who are used to abusing this authoritative painkiller often crush the pill form of this drug, thereafter dilute it in water, and inject it. The process is quite similar to heroine. Injecting Oxycontin is basically executed so as to obtain a high and a powerful deadly dose of this drug. Injecting Oxycontin gives the abuser a euphoric feeling and its sensation is quite equivalent to the effect of other drugs like heroine or morphine.
    Oxycontin, also known as Oxycotton, Oxy, Killer, and OC, is a highly commanding time released sedative that is generally designed to supply instant around the clock relief from the moderate to severe pain which is usually related with unremitting, persistent pain syndromes like cancer, arthritis, bursitis, and so on.

  2. I am just re-reading your comment on Oxycontin. As you have noted in the latter comments - cancer patients often have unrelenting pain and therefore Oxycontin in the general populations is a separate issue, albeit related issue. Recent research has indicated the morphine escalates death which is most likely the same with Osycontin. At this point, for those cancer patients nearing death - the timing is mute and our patients, and most often their families and friends, welcome the release onto what we hope is a better place. Thanks.


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  1. One of the most principal ways of abusing and maltreating Oxycontin is by injecting Oxycontin which is now becoming the most addictive prescription drug, without doubt. Injecting Oxycontin is tremendously hazardous and comes along with high, perilous fatal outcome. People who are used to abusing this authoritative painkiller often crush the pill form of this drug, thereafter dilute it in water, and inject it. The process is quite similar to heroine. Injecting Oxycontin is basically executed so as to obtain a high and a powerful deadly dose of this drug. Injecting Oxycontin gives the abuser a euphoric feeling and its sensation is quite equivalent to the effect of other drugs like heroine or morphine.
    Oxycontin, also known as Oxycotton, Oxy, Killer, and OC, is a highly commanding time released sedative that is generally designed to supply instant around the clock relief from the moderate to severe pain which is usually related with unremitting, persistent pain syndromes like cancer, arthritis, bursitis, and so on.

  2. I am just re-reading your comment on Oxycontin. As you have noted in the latter comments - cancer patients often have unrelenting pain and therefore Oxycontin in the general populations is a separate issue, albeit related issue. Recent research has indicated the morphine escalates death which is most likely the same with Osycontin. At this point, for those cancer patients nearing death - the timing is mute and our patients, and most often their families and friends, welcome the release onto what we hope is a better place. Thanks.


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