Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News
People with Lynch syndrome, which is caused by a germline mutation in one of the DNA mismatch repair genes, have an 80% lifetime risk for CRC and tend to get cancers at a much younger age than the general population.
“The important thing here is that when adenomas develop in these patients, they’re on the fast track to cancer,” Dr. Itzkowitz said.
"Additionally, unlike the general population, among whom about 3% will develop a new primary colon cancer within 10 years, 30% of patients with Lynch syndrome will develop a new primary CRC within 10 years, and 50% will do so within 15 years.
Furthermore, the extraintestinal manifestations in patients with Lynch syndrome tend to be malignant; the most common are cancers of the uterus, ovaries, stomach, small bowel, hepatobiliary region, pancreas, upper genitourinary tract (eg. ureter/kidey/bladder - google search) and brain.....
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