open access: GWAS meta-analysis and replication identifies three new susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer : Nature Genetics (technical) Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

open access: GWAS meta-analysis and replication identifies three new susceptibility loci for ovarian cancer : Nature Genetics (technical)

open access

"..... However, on the basis of what is known about the architecture of genetic susceptibility for other cancers, it is probable that many more common susceptibility alleles exist. The discovery of genetic association with ovarian cancer may be enhanced by taking advantage of functional annotation data and the analysis of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions using a genome-wide approach. Continued international efforts are needed to establish new case-control studies, expand existing case-control studies and improve the pathological characterization of the cases in these studies to unravel the inherited genetic basis of the disease. In combination with rarer risk alleles and other risk factors, genetic profiling may provide sufficient discrimination to justify targeted ovarian cancer prevention."

see table 2 for included cell types/risk ratio:   
Table 2: ORs and tests of association by histological subtype and population for the most strongly associated SNPs at 8q21, 10p12 and 17q12


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