Relationship of tumor marker CA125 and ovarian tumor stem cells Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Monday, April 06, 2015

Relationship of tumor marker CA125 and ovarian tumor stem cells

Full text: Relationship of tumor marker CA125 and ovarian tumor stem cells: preliminary identification

 ....In 1981, Robert et al. [18] found antigen CA125 in the ovarian cancer cells by using monoclonal antibody OC125. Since then, CA125 has been an auxiliary diagnostic marker for ovarian cancer, and research about immunological treatment of ovarian cancer using the antibody’s specificity for CA125 is also emerging. Our experiments showed that CA125 may be one of the surface markers of tumor stem cells, and further studies are needed to investigate the existence of other markers, which is the direction of our future studies. Finding the markers of ovarian cancer stem cells and targeting killing these “seed cells”, making the prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer possible.


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