The corporate reputation of the medical-device industry, 2014-15: a patient perspective Survey Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Monday, April 13, 2015

The corporate reputation of the medical-device industry, 2014-15: a patient perspective Survey


Dear health campaigner,
For the 4th time, PatientView is asking health campaigners worldwide to help compile the annual CORPORATE REPUTATION INDEX OF THE MEDICAL-DEVICE INDUSTRY. 
• The Index is taken seriously by industry as part of its efforts to become more patient-friendly.
• The results of this 2015 survey will show you how your colleagues rate the world’s various MEDICAL-DEVICE companies in 2014-2015 (whether good or bad).
To thank you for your participation in this study ...
... all respondents to any PatientView study get a final copy of the resulting report (if they wish).

About the questionnaire
The survey is open to any health-advocacy organisation. Please circulate this email to any other patient groups that you think might also be interested. The survey has only 10 very simple questions, and will probably take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time to complete. The survey is anonymous, unless you prefer to specify otherwise.
If you wish to participate in this study, you need to get your responses in by Monday, 1st June 2015.

To enter the survey, please click on the following live link:

If you have any questions, please contact:
Dr Alex Wyke, CEO, PatientView, UK

A brief statement of clarification
This study intends to determine how patient groups around the world perceive the medical-device industry, with the aim of improving standards throughout the industry to levels that are satisfactory to patients.
The study is paid for solely by PatientView, a UK-based research and publishing group that specialises in studying trends in the patient-advocacy movement, and which passes valuable information back to patient groups. All NGOs participating in the study are sent a free copy of the report on the survey results (if they wish to receive it). PatientView is then able to fund the exercise by selling the report to any companies that wish to read it. Further information about PatientView can be found at our website:


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