SMAC mimetic Debio 1143 synergizes with taxanes, topoisomerase inhibitors.... Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

SMAC mimetic Debio 1143 synergizes with taxanes, topoisomerase inhibitors....

open access
  SMAC mimetic Debio 1143 synergizes with taxanes, topoisomerase inhibitors and bromodomain inhibitors to impede growth of lung adenocarcinoma cells

.... We describe here the potential utility of Debio 1143 in combination with taxanes, topoisomerase inhibitors, or bromodomain inhibitors. The combination of Debio 1143 with both paclitaxel and carboplatin is in clinical trials for lung squamous cell carcinoma, platinum-refractory ovarian carcinoma, and triple negative breast cancer (NCT01930292)......

Reference: (ovarian cancer)
  18. Thibault BG, L.; Broca, C; Barbier, M.; Zanna, C.; Vuagniaux, G.; Delord, J-P.; Couderc, B. (2015). The IAP inhibitor Debio 1143 reverses carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer cells by inducing both apoptosis and necroptosis. AACR Annual Meeting 2015.


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