Survivor Advocate Program 2016 Survivorship - Biennial Cancer Conference Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Survivor Advocate Program 2016 Survivorship - Biennial Cancer Conference


Survivor Advocate Program

The Survivor Advocate Program provides travel scholarships for up to 20 advocates to attend the 8th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference: Innovation in a Rapidly Changing Landscape. Advocates will learn first-hand about moving cancer survivorship advances from early-stage research to survivor care, interact with other advocate leaders and researchers, and develop tools to educate communities about key survivorship issues.
Program participants will be selected on the basis of their research advocacy experience, the potential impact conference attendance would have on their future advocacy work, and the strength of their proposed use of tools from the conference for community education. Priority will be given to applicants who have not participated in the program previously.
The scholarships, granted by The LIVESTRONG Foundation, provide funding for the conference registration fee, hotel, transportation, and meals. Applicants should not make any travel plans until they are accepted into the program and receive specific instructions regarding travel arrangements. Please note: the Survivor Advocate Program can only accept applications from advocates residing in the United States.

Program Elements

In addition to attending the full research conference, participants in the Survivor Advocate Program will participate in:
  • Two pre-conference orientation teleconferences
  • A three-hour pre-conference advocate session on the first day of the conference
  • Targeted talks by prominent cancer survivorship researchers and practitioners
  • Networking with researchers and other advocates 


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