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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Immunological aspects of ovarian cancer: Therapeutic perspectives

June 16, 2016 

Immunological aspects of ovarian cancer: Therapeutic perspectives].

[Article in French]

Author information

  • 1Service de gynécologie obstétrique, maternité Issaka-Gazoby, BP 10975, Niamey, Niger.
  • 2CHU de Lille, 59000 Lille, France; Département universitaire de gynécologie obstétrique, université Nord-de-France, 59045 Lille cedex, France.
  • 3EA 4550, IFR 147, laboratoire PRISM : protéomique, réponse inflammatoire, spectrométrie de Masse, université Lille 1, bâtiment SN3, 1(er) étage, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France.
  • 4CHU de Lille, 59000 Lille, France; EA 4550, IFR 147, laboratoire PRISM : protéomique, réponse inflammatoire, spectrométrie de Masse, université Lille 1, bâtiment SN3, 1(er) étage, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France; Département universitaire de gynécologie obstétrique, université Nord-de-France, 59045 Lille cedex, France. Electronic address:


Ovarian cancer is recognized by the immunological system of its host. Initially, it is effective to destroy and eliminate the cancer. But gradually, resistant tumor cells more aggressive and those able to protect themselves by inducing immune tolerance will be selected. Immunotherapy to be effective should consider both components of immune response with an action on cytotoxic immune effectors and action on tolerance mechanisms. The manipulations of the immune system should be cautious, because the immune effects are not isolated. A theoretically efficient handling may simultaneously cause an adverse effect which was not envisaged and could neutralize the benefits of treatment. Knowledge of tolerance mechanisms set up by the tumor is for the clinician a prerequisite before they prescribe these treatments. For each cancer, the knowledge of its immunological status is a prerequisite to propose adapted immunological therapies.


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