Tears and Laughter: Profoundly Memorable events: 10 yr history of Ovarian Cancer Get Togethers Ovarian Cancer and Us OVARIAN CANCER and US Ovarian Cancer and Us

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Saturday, October 08, 2016

Tears and Laughter: Profoundly Memorable events: 10 yr history of Ovarian Cancer Get Togethers

 Background of Events:
Although many of these ovarian cancer women (listed below) were diagnosed at different times and in different places, they had one thing in common - ovarian cancer. That was the foundation. They were preceded by many magnificent ovarian cancer women most of whom are not with us today. 

It is truly amazing that ~20 years ago ovarian cancer women had a large struggle to connect with each other.  and I often think of Cindy M. when I say this.

These ovarian cancer survivors were part of a small (in context)  'barrier-free', international and inclusive network, and today, extended and expanded groups.  It is hard to imagine that the original meeting place was a (small) online listserve (no pics, no videos, no music - just ovarian cancer). It is also difficult to imagine life today without FB or Twitter but it did exist and well.  These ovarian cancer survivors became friends. But.... they had many friends. They made new friends and they lost many. This remains true today. These ovarian cancer communities are special place(s) known well to those who wish, if possible, to participate. These survivors do not necessarily have an interest in a particular event but they remain parts of a connection of the human spirit and a connection of the will to survive and survive as well as possible.

In 2006 a question was asked: if we had a weekend get-together would there be interest? 
There was a reason and a purpose behind this question. Those who were able, either physically or financially had been 'conferencing' for some years. But maybe we needed more? Maybe just for shopping, excursions and eating (of course!) and meeting new faces in new places. 

At these get-togethers we also spoke kindly and with concern about those whom we had lost, but also, our friends at home who could not join in for a variety of reasons - eg. treatments, financial etc..

My personal and most fond memory was when a Texan ovarian cancer survivor (Susie) said to her oncologist: "I am going to Canada for lunch!".

And so it began. Some events were small gatherings and some were large (IL./Helen) but all with lasting memories and bonds. What more through a lifetime can we ask of our communities?

To this day, I wish everyone to know of your sacrifices and your kindnesses to others who surround you. It is ingrained in you - I know this. That simply is why you are special. And that has nothing to do with events, except to say, that it has been a profound connection.

Sandi Pniauskas
1999 clear cell ovarian carcinoma
2012 urothelial (ureter) carcinoma
2014 small bowel resection (enteroenterostomy)
2015 invasive squamous cell (skin) carcinoma
Lynch Syndrome - MSH2

                          Facebook:  Ovarian Cancer Together!

1) 2006: Whitby, Canada (Sandi) 

2) 2007: Lincolnshire, IL (Helen) 

3) 2008: Annapolis MD (Annamarie)

4) 2009: St Louis MO (Yi) 

5) 2010 -

6) 2011: Branson MO (Ana Maria)

7) 2012: Kansas City, KS  (Debbie M and Carol T)

8) 2013: Louisville KY (Pat I)

9) 2014: Valley Forge PA (Annamarie)

10) 2015: Ft Lauderdadle FL  (Helen)

11) 2016 Bradenton FL  (Ana Maria)


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