We report for the first time a case of ovarian strumal
carcinoid containing both trabecular carcinoid and mucinous glands
lined by both goblet and neuroendocrine cells and a low-grade mucinous
neoplasm that presented clinically as pseudomyxoma peritonei in the
absence of appendiceal lesion in a 58-yr-old woman. Histologically,
there were both a tall columnar cell epithelial component lacking
neuroendocrine cells, showing the scalloped contours and subepithelial
clefts of low-grade appendiceal-type neoplasms and a mixed goblet cell
neuroendocrine element. Characteristically, both reproduced appendiceal
neoplastic phenotypes in a teratoid fashion. In addition, we present
previously unreported oncocytic and mucinous changes in the thyroideal
components of strumal carcinoid. This case represents a rare instance of
pseudomyxoma peritonei of primary ovarian origin and is an example of
multiple somatic teratoid endodermal differentiations of the different
sections of the embryonal gut: foregut represented by thyroid, midgut by
both mucinous appendiceal components, and hindgut by trabecular
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