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Showing posts with label crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crisis. Show all posts

Thursday, February 09, 2012

UK survey - young adults - : When do life crises strike? Help us find out (online 20 min survey)

 When do life crises strike? Help us find out

Jessica Griggs, careers editor

Psychologist Dan Levinson once remarked that he had never met anyone who had not gone through at least one major crisis during their adult life.
While films, sports-car cliches and personal experience may back up his comment, the questions of when and for whom crises occur have received little academic attention. Well, not for much longer.

Last year, New Scientist reported on the phenomenon of the quarter-life crisis; the re-evaluation and dramatic change of direction that sometimes occurs during early adulthood.

This was based on research carried out by researchers at the University of Greenwich who interviewed 50 young people about their emotional experiences during this time. The work established that the quarter-life crisis exists (as corroborated by the comments on our news story) but the sample wasn't large enough to determine how common it is or when it occurs.

Now, the innermost secrets of the crisis are to be laid bare. The Greenwich team are conducting an online survey of British adults which will probe the link between crisis episodes, age and life stage across a diverse group of adults.

The researchers are looking for adult volunteers to participate in the study. You can take part here (and be in with the chance of winning a cash prize for your efforts).

Stay tuned as New Scientist will exclusively report the findings later this year.

What does it involve and how long does it take?

The online questionnaire will involve approximately 20 minutes of your time.

You will be asked for the following information:
-    Age, job, income, marital status and number of children.
-    Crisis episodes and turning points in your adult life (if you are currently aged 25 or above)
-    Your marital satisfaction (if you are married)
-    Your sense of happiness, life satisfaction and wellbeing
-    Your sense of empathy

Who can participate?
In order to participate, you must be age 20 or over, have lived in the UK for the majority of your life since the age of 15 and be able to read and write English fluently.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011