OVARIAN CANCER and US: faulty logic

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Showing posts with label faulty logic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faulty logic. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Canadian Doctors for Medicare | False Alarm on Health Care

"....the tiresome insistence on using faulty logic to justify alarmist views on health care.

Three pieces of real data ought to put this debate to rest.

First, increases in the cost of health care are not a result of our public system. They are common to systems around the world, all facing new and expensive technologies and ever-increasing demand.

Second, Canada's medicare system is actually quite reasonably priced. It is the increasing cost of drugs, which are mostly privately funded, that is increasing health-care costs.

Third, user fees and privatization would increase health-care costs overall by downloading them from governments onto citizens. Furthermore, experience with user fees demonstrates that they cause people to delay necessary care, which leads to more profound and expensive illnesses when care is eventually sought....."cont'd