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Blog Archives: Nov 2004 - present
Special items: Ovarian Cancer and Us blog best viewed in Firefox
"About a year ago, I addressed what might seem to the average reader to be a very simple, albeit clichéd question: If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we cure cancer?
As I pointed out at the time, it's a question that I sometimes even ask
myself, particularly given that cancer has touched my life. Three years
ago, my mother-in-law died of a particularly nasty form of breast
cancer. Even though I am a breast cancer surgeon, I still wonder why
there was nothing that could save her (and still is nothing that could
have saved her if it existed then) from a decline over several months
followed by an unpleasant death. Yet, as a cancer researcher, I do
understand somewhat. A couple of years ago, I wrote in depth about the complexity of cancer
from a science-based viewpoint, as compared, of course, to the
incredibly simplistic view...............