OVARIAN CANCER and US: opinions

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Showing posts with label opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinions. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2012

Toronto Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN): Meeting with Patients: Their experiences and perspectives

Blogger's Note: patients views and opinions, not specific to any one particular disease but patients opinions and views of their healthcare system/s


"Just because I'm getting used to the symptoms doesn't mean things are okay."

Patient Destiny prepared this report summarizing
the findings of the December 7th ‘Meeting with
Patients’ in collaboration with the Toronto Central
LHIN. In January, Patient Destiny sent an initial report
to meeting participants which provided a complete
account of their comments and input. (newsletter - 6 patients views/opinions)

TCLHIN-PDR-ENG-web.pdf (application/pdf Object)


Ontario Health Promotion (backgrounder) Meeting with Patients: Their Experiences and Perspectives Report

Sent on Behalf of Camille Orridge, CEO, Toronto Central LHIN
Dear colleagues
There is growing understanding that involving patients, clients and caregivers as partners in their health care results in better health outcomes and a system that better serves us all.
We also know that there is often a divide between how health care is delivered and what patients and their families say they want.
Patient Destiny and the Toronto Central LHIN co-hosted a day with patients and caregivers who receive services in the Toronto Central LHIN on December 7, 2011.   The session brought together a cross-section of patients and caregivers to discuss their experiences, perspectives and ideas for improvement and change.
Participants talked about their fears, frustrations, gratitude and hopes.  Most of all, they offered inspiration and concrete ideas that will help us achieve a better health care experience for all.
This report Meeting with Patients: their experiences and perspectives  will help to inform health system planning in the Toronto Central LHIN, including the Toronto Central LHIN's 2012-14 Strategic Plan and health quality and equity initiatives.
We encourage you to incorporate the report into planning within your own sectors and organizations.  This report is relevant to all members of the health care system from administrators to health professionals to policy makers.  Please distribute it widely.
I would like to thank all of the individuals who participated in the Meeting with Patients and contributed to this report.  We would also like to recognize Patient Destiny for their vision and commitment to strengthening the patient's voice in health care.
Camille Orridge
CEO, Toronto Central LHIN

Monday, April 09, 2012

Seth's Blog: Is everyone entitled to their opinion?

Seth's Blog: Is everyone entitled to their opinion?

Is everyone entitled to their opinion?

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean we need to pay the slightest bit of attention.

There are two things that disqualify someone from being listened to:

1. Lack of Standing. If you are not a customer, a stakeholder or someone with significant leverage in spreading the word, we will ignore you. And we should.
When you walk up to an artist and tell her you don't like her painting style, you should probably be ignored. If you've never purchased expensive original art, don't own a gallery and don't write an influential column in ArtNews, then by all means, you must be ignored.
If you're working in Accounts Payable and you hate the company's new logo, the people who created it should and must ignore your opinion. It just doesn't matter to anyone but you.
I'm being deliberately harsh here for a reason. If we're going to do great work, it means that some people aren't going to like it. And if the people who don't like it don't have an impact on what happens to the work after it's complete, the only recourse of someone doing great work is to ignore their opinion.

2. No Credibility. An opinion needs to be based on experience and expertise. I know you don't like cilantro, but whether or not you like it is not extensible to the population at large. On the other hand, if you have a track record of matching the taste sensibility of my target market, then I very much want to hear what you think.
People with a history of bad judgment, people who are quick to jump to conclusions or believe in unicorns or who have limited experience in the market--these people are entitled to opinions, but it's not clear that the creator of the work needs to hear them. They've disqualified themselves because the method they use for forming opinions about how the market will respond is suspect. The scientific method works, and if you're willing to suspend it at will and just go with your angry gut, we don't need to hear from you.

If these two standards sound like precisely the opposite of what gets you on talk radio or active in anonymous chat rooms, you're right. Running your business or your campaign or your non-profit or your sports team based on what you hear on talk radio is nuts.