OVARIAN CANCER and US: telomere

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Showing posts with label telomere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telomere. Show all posts

Thursday, April 12, 2012

abstract: Shorter telomere length is associated with increased ovarian cancer risk in both familial and sporadic cases.

Shorter telomere length is associated with increased ovarian cancer risk in both familial and sporadic cases.:

J Med Genet. 2012 Apr 6;


Alterations in telomere maintenance mechanisms leading to short telomeres underlie different genetic disorders of ageing and cancer predisposition syndromes. It is known that short telomeres and subsequent genomic instability contribute to malignant transformation, and it is therefore likely that people with shorter telomeres are at higher risk for different types of cancer. Recently, the authors demonstrated that the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are modifiers of telomere length (TL) in familial breast cancer. The present study analysed TL in peripheral blood leucocytes of hereditary and sporadic ovarian cancer cases, as well as in female controls, to evaluate whether TL contributes to ovarian cancer risk.

TL was measured by quantitative PCR in 178 sporadic and 168 hereditary ovarian cases (46 BRCA1, 12 BRCA2, and 110 BRCAX) and compared to TL in 267 controls.

Both sporadic and hereditary cases showed significantly shorter age adjusted TLs than controls. Unconditional logistic regression analysis revealed an association between TL and ovarian cancer risk with a significant interaction with age (p<0.001). Risk was higher in younger women and progressively decreased with age, with the highest OR observed in women under 30 years of age.

These findings indicate that TL could be a risk factor for early onset ovarian cancer.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Shorter Telomere Length Again Linked to Cancer: MedlinePlus

Note: medical news article including reference to ovarian cancer

"TUESDAY, July 6 (HealthDay News) -- People who have white blood cells with shorter telomeres may be at a higher risk of developing cancer, especially aggressive cancers that are more likely to kill, new research suggests. Telomeres are the "shoelace ends" that cap and protect your chromosomes and naturally get shorter as you age. Right now, the findings aren't likely to have any clinical usefulness, said Dr. Stefan Kiechl, senior author of a paper appearing in the July 7 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. But in the future, he added, "telomere length may well become a component of risk scores for cancer manifestation and, eventually, cancer prognosis......"