OVARIAN CANCER and US: nanotechnology

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Showing posts with label nanotechnology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nanotechnology. Show all posts

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Journal of Ovarian Research Full free access Scope of nanotechnology in ovarian cancer therapeutics

Note: Table 1 includes cumulative toxicity and other comparisons between commonly prescribed ovarian cancer chemotherapies


This review describes the use of polymer micelle nanotechnology based chemotherapies for ovarian cancer. While various chemotherapeutic agents can be utilized to improve the survival rate of patients with ovarian cancer, their distribution throughout the entire body results in high normal organ toxicity. Polymer micelle nanotechnology aims to improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-cancer drugs while minimizing the side effects....... An important feature of polymer micelle nanotechnology is the small size (10-100 nm) of particles which improves circulation and enables superior accumulation of the therapeutic drugs at the tumor sites. This review provides a comprehensive evaluation of different types of polymer micelles and their implications in ovarian cancer therapeutics.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Abstract/free full access: Scope of nanotechnology in ovarian cancer therapeutics

Note: in research/technical

This review describes the use of polymer micelle nanotechnology based chemotherapies for ovarian cancer. While various chemotherapeutic agents can be utilized to improve the survival rate of patients with ovarian cancer, their distribution throughout the entire body results in high normal organ toxicity. Polymer micelle nanotechnology aims to improve the therapeutic efficacy of anti-cancer drugs while minimizing the side effects.

Polymer micelle nanotechnology has demonstrated that nanoparticles are capable of loading anti-cancer drugs which can be specifically targeted to tumors through the conjugation of tumor specific antibody/moiety. Multi-functional polymer micelles, including nanogels/magnetic based micelles, possess characteristics which could improve ovarian cancer therapy. These formulations have capabilities of MRI visible targeting, targeted photodynamic therapy, thermosensitive therapy and luminescence/nearinfrared/
multi-model imaging properties, which will allow tracking and monitoring of nanoformulations and accumulated drug(s) at the tumor site during the therapy procedure.